Source code for prometeo.banking.client

from datetime import datetime

from prometeo import exceptions, base_client, base_session
from .models import (
    Client as Client, Account as AccountModel, Movement, CreditCard as CreditCardModel,
    Provider, ProviderDetail, PreprocessTransfer, ConfirmTransfer, TransferInstitution
from .exceptions import BankingClientError


[docs]class Session(base_session.BaseSession): """ Encapsulates the user's session, returned by :meth:`~prometeo.banking.client.BankingAPIClient.login` """ def __init__(self, client, status, session_key, context=None, field=None): super(Session, self).__init__(client, status, session_key) self._interactive_context = context self._interactive_field = field
[docs] def get_clients(self): """ List the user's clients. Returns an empty list if the bank doesn't uses clients. :rtype: List of :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.Client` """ return self._client.get_clients(self._session_key)
[docs] def select_client(self, client): """ Selects the client to use for this session. :param client_id: The id of the client, obtained from listing the clients :type client_id: str """ self._client.select_client(self._session_key,
[docs] def get_accounts(self): """ List all the user's accounts :rtype: List of :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.Account` """ accounts_data = self._client.get_accounts(self._session_key) accounts = [] for account_data in accounts_data: accounts.append(Account( self._client, self._session_key, account_data, )) return accounts
[docs] def get_credit_cards(self): """ List all the user's credit cards :rtype: List of :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.CreditCard` """ cards_data = self._client.get_credit_cards(self._session_key) cards = [] for card_data in cards_data: cards.append(CreditCard( self._client, self._session_key, card_data, )) return cards
[docs] def get_interactive_context(self): """ Necessary information to answer the login challenge, like a security question. :rtype: str """ return self._interactive_context
[docs] def finish_login(self, provider, username, password, answer): """ Answer the security challenge, like an OTP or personal question. :param provider: The provider used to login :type provider: str :param username: The username used to login :type username: str :param password: The password used to login :type password: str :param answer: The answer to the login challenge :type answer: str """ self._client.call_api('POST', '/login/', data={ 'provider': provider, 'username': username, 'password': password, self._interactive_field: answer, }, params={ 'key': self._session_key, })
[docs] def logout(self): """ Logs the user out and invalidates its session. """ self._client.logout(self._session_key)
[docs] def preprocess_transfer(self, origin_account, destination_institution, destination_account, currency, amount, concept, destination_owner_name, branch): """ Preprocess transfer. :param origin_account: Account number from where it is transferred :type origin_account: str :param destination_institution: Id of the institution where it is transferred. As provided by :meth:`~prometeo.banking.client.BankingAPIClient.get_providers` :type destination_institution: str :param destination_account: Account number where it is transferred :type destination_account: str :param currency: Account currency in format ``ISO 4217`` :type currency: str :param amount: Amount to transfer :type amount: str :param concept: Concept or description of the transfer :type concept: str :param destination_owner_name: Name of the holder of the destination account (empty if not applicable) :type destination_owner_name: str :param branch: Branch number of the destination account (empty if not applicable) :type branch: str :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.PreprocessTransfer` """ return self._client.preprocess_transfer(self._session_key, origin_account, destination_institution, destination_account, currency, amount, concept, destination_owner_name, branch)
[docs] def confirm_transfer(self, request_id, authorization_type, authorization_data): """ Confirm transfer. :param request_id: Id of the request returned by the endpoint of :meth:`~prometeo.banking.client.BankingAPIClient.preprocess_transfer` :type request_id: str :param authorization_type: - ``cardCode`` Coordinates card - ``pin`` Account personal pin - ``otp`` One-time generated pin, sent by sms, email, hard token or soft token. - ``otp-api`` Hard token or soft token device, digitized by Promete :type authorization_type: str :param authorization_data: Verification value (pin number, coordinates card response , etc) if there are several values, they must be separated by commas. :type authorization_data: str :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.ConfirmTransfer` """ return self._client.confirm_transfer(self._session_key, request_id, authorization_type, authorization_data)
[docs] def list_transfer_institutions(self): """ List transfer institutions. :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.TransferInstitution` """ return self._client.list_transfer_institutions(self._session_key)
[docs]class BankingAPIClient(base_client.BaseClient): """ API Client for banking api """ ENVIRONMENTS = { 'testing': TESTING_URL, 'production': PRODUCTION_URL, } session_class = Session
[docs] def on_response(self, data): if data['status'] == 'error': if data['message'] == 'Invalid key': raise exceptions.InvalidSessionKeyError(data['message']) else: raise BankingClientError(data['message'])
[docs] def login(self, provider, username, password, **kwargs): """ Start log in process with the provider :param provider: Name of the provider, use :meth:`~BankingAPIClient.get_providers` to get a list of available providers :type provider: str :param username: Username used to log in to the banking app or web :type username: str :param password: User's password :type password: str :param kwargs: Extra login fields for providers that require it, use :meth:`~BankingAPIClient.get_provider_detail` to get a list of all the auth login fields :type kwargs: dict :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.client.Session` """ data = { 'provider': provider, 'username': username, 'password': password, } data.update(kwargs) response = self.call_api('POST', '/login/', data=data) if response['status'] in ['logged_in', 'select_client']: return Session(self, response['status'], response['key']) elif response['status'] == 'interaction_required': return Session( self, response['status'], response['key'], response['context'], response['field'], ) elif response['status'] == 'wrong_credentials': raise exceptions.WrongCredentialsError(response['message']) else: raise BankingClientError(response['message'])
def get_clients(self, session_key): response = self.call_api('GET', '/client/', params={ 'key': session_key, }) clients = [] for id, name in response['clients'].items(): clients.append(Client(id=id, name=name)) return clients def select_client(self, session_key, client_id): self.call_api('GET', '/client/{}/'.format(client_id), params={ 'key': session_key, }) def get_accounts(self, session_key): data = self.call_api('GET', '/account/', params={ 'key': session_key, }) return [ AccountModel(**account) for account in data['accounts'] ] def get_movements( self, session_key, account_number, currency_code, date_start, date_end ): data = self.call_api('GET', '/movement/', params={ 'key': session_key, 'account': account_number, 'currency': currency_code, 'date_start': date_start.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), 'date_end': date_end.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), }) return [ Movement( id=movement['id'], reference=movement['reference'], date=datetime.strptime(movement['date'], "%d/%m/%Y"), detail=movement['detail'], debit=movement['debit'], credit=movement['credit'], ) for movement in data['movements'] ] def get_credit_cards(self, session_key): data = self.call_api('GET', '/credit-card/', params={ 'key': session_key, }) return [ CreditCardModel( id=credit_card['id'], name=credit_card['name'], number=credit_card['number'], close_date=datetime.strptime(credit_card['close_date'], "%d/%m/%Y"), due_date=datetime.strptime(credit_card['due_date'], "%d/%m/%Y"), balance_local=credit_card['balance_local'], balance_dollar=credit_card['balance_dollar'], ) for credit_card in data['credit_cards'] ] def get_credit_card_movements( self, session_key, card_number, currency_code, date_start, date_end ): url = '/credit-card/{}/movements'.format(card_number) data = self.call_api('GET', url, params={ 'key': session_key, 'currency': currency_code, 'date_start': date_start.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), 'date_end': date_end.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), }) return [ Movement( id=movement['id'], reference=movement['reference'], date=datetime.strptime(movement['date'], "%d/%m/%Y"), detail=movement['detail'], debit=movement['debit'], credit=movement['credit'], ) for movement in data['movements'] ]
[docs] def get_providers(self): """ List all available banks. :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.Provider` """ data = self.call_api('GET', '/provider/') return [ Provider(**provider) for provider in data['providers'] ]
[docs] def get_provider_detail(self, provider_code): """ Get more detailed information about a bank. :param provider_code: Name of the provider, as returned in :meth:`~prometeo.banking.client.BankingAPIClient.get_providers` :type provider_code: str :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.ProviderDetail` """ data = self.call_api('GET', '/provider/{}/'.format(provider_code)) return ProviderDetail(**data['provider'])
[docs] def logout(self, session_key): """ Logs the user out and invalidates its session. :param session_key: The session key. :type session_key: str """ self.call_api('GET', '/logout/', params={ 'key': session_key, })
[docs] def preprocess_transfer(self, session_key, origin_account, destination_institution, destination_account, currency, amount, concept, destination_owner_name, branch): """ Preprocess transfer. :param session_key: The session key. :type session_key: str :param origin_account: Account number from where it is transferred :type origin_account: str :param destination_institution: Id of the institution where it is transferred. As provided by :meth:`~prometeo.banking.client.BankingAPIClient.get_providers` :type destination_institution: str :param destination_account: Account number where it is transferred :type destination_account: str :param currency: Account currency in format ``ISO 4217`` :type currency: str :param amount: Amount to transfer :type amount: str :param concept: Concept or description of the transfer :type concept: str :param destination_owner_name: Name of the holder of the destination account (empty if not applicable) :type destination_owner_name: str :param branch: Branch number of the destination account (empty if not applicable) :type branch: str :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.PreprocessTransfer` """ data = self.call_api('POST', '/transfer/preprocess', params={ 'key': session_key, }, data={ 'origin_account': origin_account, 'destination_institution': destination_institution, 'destination_account': destination_account, 'currency': currency, 'amount': amount, 'concept': concept, 'destination_owner_name': destination_owner_name, 'branch': branch, }) return PreprocessTransfer(**data['result'])
[docs] def confirm_transfer(self, session_key, request_id, authorization_type, authorization_data): """ Confirm transfer. :param session_key: The session key. :type session_key: str :param request_id: Id of the request returned by the endpoint of :meth:`~prometeo.banking.client.BankingAPIClient.preprocess_transfer` :type request_id: str :param authorization_type: - ``cardCode`` Coordinates card - ``pin`` Account personal pin - ``otp`` One-time generated pin, sent by sms, email, hard token or soft token. - ``otp-api`` Hard token or soft token device, digitized by Prometeo :type authorization_type: str :param authorization_data: Verification value (pin number, coordinates card response , etc) if there are several values, they must be separated by commas. :type authorization_data: str :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.ConfirmTransfer` """ data = self.call_api('POST', '/transfer/confirm', params={ 'key': session_key, }, data={ 'request_id': request_id, 'authorization_type': authorization_type, 'authorization_data': authorization_data, }) return ConfirmTransfer(**data['transfer'])
[docs] def list_transfer_institutions(self, session_key): """ List transfer institutions. :param session_key: The session key. :type session_key: str :rtype: :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.TransferInstitution` """ data = self.call_api('GET', '/transfer/destinations', params={ 'key': session_key, }) return [ TransferInstitution(**institution) for institution in data['destinations'] ]
[docs]class Account(object): """ A bank account, returned by :meth:`~prometeo.banking.client.Session.get_accounts` """ def __init__(self, client, session_key, account_data): self._client = client self._session_key = session_key = = self.number = account_data.number self.branch = account_data.branch self.currency = account_data.currency self.balance = account_data.balance
[docs] def get_movements(self, date_start, date_end): """ List an account's movements for a range of dates. :param date_start: Start of the date range for movements. :type date_start: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :param date_end: End of the date range for movements. :type date_end: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :rtype: List of :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.Movement` """ return self._client.get_movements( self._session_key, self.number, self.currency, date_start, date_end, )
[docs]class CreditCard(object): """ A credit card, returned by :meth:`~prometeo.banking.client.Session.get_credit_cards` """ def __init__(self, client, session_key, card_data): self._client = client self._session_key = session_key = = self.number = card_data.number self.close_data = card_data.close_date self.due_date = card_data.due_date self.balance_local = card_data.balance_local self.balance_dollar = card_data.balance_dollar
[docs] def get_movements(self, currency_code, date_start, date_end): """ List credit card's movements for a range of dates. :param date_start: Start of the date range for movements. :type date_start: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :param date_end: End of the date range for movements. :type date_end: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :rtype: List of :class:`~prometeo.banking.models.Movement` """ return self._client.get_credit_card_movements( self._session_key, self.number, currency_code, date_start, date_end, )