Source code for prometeo.sat.client

from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

from prometeo import exceptions, base_client, base_session
from .models import (
    CFDIBill, CFDIDownloadItem, DownloadRequest as DownloadRequestModel,
    PdfFile, DownloadFile, AcknowledgementResult as AcknowledgementResultModel,


[docs]class LoginScope(Enum): CFDI = 'cfdi' SIAT = 'siat'
class DownloadAction(Enum): BULK_DOWNLOAD = 'bulk_download' METADATA_DOWNLOAD = 'metadata_download' PDF_EXPORT = 'pdf_export' LIST = 'list'
[docs]class BillStatus(Enum): ANY = 'any' CANCELLED = 'cancelled' VALID = 'valid'
[docs]class Motive(Enum): ALL = 'all' AF = 'af' DE = 'de' CO = 'co' FC = 'fc' MONTHLY = 'monthly'
[docs]class DocumentType(Enum): ALL = 'all' CT = 'ct' B = 'b' PL = 'pl' XF = 'xf' XC = 'xc'
[docs]class Status(Enum): ALL = 'all' RECEIVED = 'received' ACCEPTED = 'accepted' REJECTED = 'rejected'
[docs]class SendType(Enum): ALL = 'all' N = 'n' C = 'c'
[docs]class Session(base_session.BaseSession):
[docs] def logout(self): """ Logs out of SAT. You won't be able to use this session after logout. """ self._client.logout(self._session_key)
[docs] def get_emitted_bills(self, date_start, date_end, status): """ List all emitted bills in a range of dates. :param date_start: Start date to filter :type date_start: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :param date_end: End date to filter :type date_end: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :param status: Status of the bills :type status: :class:`BillStatus` :rtype: List of :class:`~prometeo.sat.models.CFDIBill` """ return self._client.get_emitted( self._session_key, date_start, date_end, status, DownloadAction.LIST )
[docs] def download_emitted_bills(self, date_start, date_end, status): """ Creates a request to download all the emitted bills in a range of dates. :param date_start: Start date to filter :type date_start: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :param date_end: End date to filter :type date_end: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :param status: Status of the bills :type status: :class:`BillStatus` :rtype: List of :class:`~DownloadRequest` """ requests = self._client.get_emitted( self._session_key, date_start, date_end, status, DownloadAction.BULK_DOWNLOAD ) return [ DownloadRequest( self._client, self._session_key, request.request_id, ) for request in requests ]
[docs] def get_received_bills(self, year, month, status): """ List all received bills in a range of dates. :param year: Year of the received bills :type year: int :param month: Month of the received bills :type month: int :param status: Status of the bills :type status: :class:`BillStatus` :rtype: List of :class:`~prometeo.sat.models.CFDIBill` """ return self._client.get_received( self._session_key, year, month, status, DownloadAction.LIST )
[docs] def download_received_bills(self, year, month, status): """ Creates a request to download all the received bills in a range of dates. :param date_start: Start date to filter :type date_start: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :param date_end: End date to filter :type date_end: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :param status: Status of the bills :type status: :class:`BillStatus` :rtype: List of :class:`~DownloadRequest` """ requests = self._client.get_received( self._session_key, year, month, status, DownloadAction.BULK_DOWNLOAD ) return [ DownloadRequest( self._client, self._session_key, request.request_id, ) for request in requests ]
[docs] def get_downloads(self): """ Gets a list of available downloads :rtype: List of :class:`DownloadRequest` """ return [ DownloadRequest( self._client, self._session_key, request.request_id, ) for request in self._client.get_downloads(self._session_key) ]
[docs] def get_acknowledgements( self, year, month_start, month_end, motive, document_type, status, send_type ): """ Gets a list of acknowledgements for a range of dates :param year: The year of the acknowledgements :type year: int :param month_start: Start month to filter :type month_start: int :param month_end: End month to filter :type month_end: int :param motive: Motive :type motive: :class:`Motive` :param document_type: Document type :type document_type: :class:`DocumentType` :param status: Status :type status: :class:`Status` :param send_type: Send type :type send_type: :class:`SendType` :rtype: List of :class:`AcknowledgementResult` """ acks = self._client.get_acknowledgements( self._session_key, year, month_start, month_end, motive, document_type, status, send_type ) return [ AcknowledgementResult(self._client, self._session_key, ack) for ack in acks ]
[docs]class SatAPIClient(base_client.BaseClient): """ API Client for SAT API """ ENVIRONMENTS = { 'testing': TESTING_URL, 'production': PRODUCTION_URL, } session_class = Session
[docs] def login(self, rfc, password, scope): """ Log in to SAT :param rfc: RFC of the person to log in :type rfc: str :param password: Password used to login, also known as CIEC :type password: str :param scope: Depending on the type of information to query, use ``LoginScope.CFDI`` to download bill xmls or ``LoginScope.SIAT`` to download acknowledgements. :type scope: :class:`LoginScope` :rtype: :class:`Session` """ response = self.call_api('POST', '/login/', data={ 'provider': 'sat', 'rfc': rfc, 'password': password, 'scope': scope.value, }) if response['status'] == 'logged_in': return Session(self, response['status'], response['session_key']) elif response['status'] == 'wrong_credentials': raise exceptions.WrongCredentialsError(response['message']) else: raise exceptions.ClientError(response['message'])
def logout(self, session_key): self.call_api('GET', '/logout/', params={ 'session_key': session_key, }) def _handle_bill_parsing(self, action, data): if action == DownloadAction.LIST: return [ CFDIBill( id=bill['id'], emitter_rfc=bill['emitter_rfc'], emitter_reason=bill['emitter_reason'], receiver_rfc=bill['receiver_rfc'], receiver_reason=bill['receiver_reason'], emitted_date=datetime.strptime( bill['emitted_date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' ), certification_date=datetime.strptime( bill['certification_date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' ), certification_pac=bill['certification_pac'], total_value=bill['total_value'], effect=bill['effect'], status=BillStatus(bill['status']), ) for bill in data ] elif action == DownloadAction.BULK_DOWNLOAD: return [ DownloadRequestModel(request_id=request['request_id']) for request in data ] elif action == DownloadAction.METADATA_DOWNLOAD: return [ DownloadRequestModel(request_id=request['request_id']) for request in data ] elif action == DownloadAction.PDF_EXPORT: return [ PdfFile(pdf_url=download['pdf_url']) for download in data ] def get_emitted(self, session_key, date_start, date_end, status, action): data = self.call_api('GET', '/cfdi/emitted/', params={ 'session_key': session_key, 'date_start': date_start.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), 'date_end': date_end.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), 'status': status.value, 'action': action.value, }) return self._handle_bill_parsing(action, data['emitted']) def download_emitted(self, session_key, bill_id): data = self.call_api('GET', '/cfdi/emitted/{}/'.format(bill_id), params={ 'session_key': session_key, }) return DownloadFile(**data['download']) def get_received(self, session_key, year, month, status, action): data = self.call_api('GET', '/cfdi/received/', params={ 'session_key': session_key, 'year': year, 'month': month, 'status': status.value, 'action': action.value, }) return self._handle_bill_parsing(action, data['received']) def download_received(self, session_key, bill_id): data = self.call_api('GET', '/cfdi/received/{}/'.format(bill_id), params={ 'session_key': session_key, }) return DownloadFile(**data['download']) def get_downloads(self, session_key): data = self.call_api('GET', '/cfdi/download/', params={ 'session_key': session_key, }) return [ CFDIDownloadItem(**item) for item in data['downloads'] ] def get_download(self, session_key, request_id): data = self.call_api('GET', '/cfdi/download/{}/'.format(request_id), params={ 'session_key': session_key, }) return DownloadFile(**data['download']) def get_acknowledgements( self, session_key, year, month_start, month_end, motive, document_type, status, send_type ): data = self.call_api('GET', '/ccee/acknowledgment/', params={ 'session_key': session_key, 'year': year, 'month_start': month_start, 'month_end': month_end, 'motive': motive.value, 'document_type': document_type.value, 'status': status.value, 'send_type': send_type.value, }) return [ AcknowledgementResultModel(**result) for result in data['results'] ] def download_acknowledgement(self, session_key, ack_id): data = self.call_api('GET', '/ccee/acknowledgment/{}/'.format(ack_id), params={ 'session_key': session_key, }) return DownloadFile(**data['download'])
[docs]class AcknowledgementResult(object): """ Info on an acknowledgement, returned by :meth:`Session.get_acknowledgements` """ def __init__(self, client, session_key, data): self._client = client self._session_key = session_key = self.period = data.period self.motive = data.motive self.document_type = data.document_type self.send_type = data.send_type self.file_name = data.file_name self.reception_date = data.reception_date self.status = data.status
[docs] def get_download(self): """ Download the acknowledgement data :rtype: :class:`Download` """ download = self._client.download_acknowledgement(self._session_key, return base_client.Download(self._client, download.download_url)
[docs]class DownloadRequest(object): """ A request for bulk downloading of bills. """ def __init__(self, client, session_key, request_id): self._download = None self._client = client self._session_key = session_key self.request_id = request_id
[docs] def get_download(self): """ Download the generated zip file with all the xmls :rtype: :class:`Download` """ if self._download is None: download = self._client.get_download(self._session_key, self.request_id) self._download = base_client.Download(self._client, download.download_url) return self._download
[docs] def is_ready(self): """ Check if the request is ready to download. :rtype: bool """ try: self.get_download() return True except exceptions.NotFoundError: return False